Mind architect, single mom, cinematic soul, bibliophile. Sharing my love of storytelling and art. Diary of thoughts, knowledge gatherings, and frameworks.

And I, tiny being,
drunk with the great starry
likeness, image of
felt myself a pure part
of the abyss.
I wheeled with the stars.
My heart broke loose with the wind.

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How to Sharpen Your Mind. Outthink the Robots.

You must become better at critical thinking. It’s not just about thinking, it’s about thinking smarter, faster, and deeper. Before the robots do. Yes, everyone thinks all day long. However, few are actually improving their critical thinking skills. Honour your imagination and creativity by nurturing your critical thinking skills.

Journal Every Single Day

  • Or as close to every day as you can.
  • Write on paper, if possible.
  • Let your thoughts flow freely in a stream of consciousness.
  • Don’t judge what you write, just keep fucking writing.

Question Your Thoughts

  • Why do you believe what you believe?
  • Where did these beliefs come from?
  • Do they still help you today?
  • Thoughts aren’t good or bad, they just are.

Read Everything

  • Fiction and nonfiction.
  • Books you love and books you hate.


  • Find useful tips from books or YouTube on things like grammar, language, and spelling.
  • Learn practical tips about relationships and communication.

Problem Solving

  • Challenge yourself with puzzles or activities that make you think critically.

Be Curious

  • Keep wanting to learn new things.
  • Be open-minded.
  • Be ready to question everything with skepticism

Simplify Complex Stuff

  • Break down difficult ideas into smaller, easier-to-understand pieces, so you can explain them even to a child.
  • Reddit has a good sub for this, r/explainlikeimfive
  • Bonus if you have an actual five year old to explain stuff to

Make Mistakes

  • The best way to learn is by messing up and figuring out what went wrong
  • Look back on your failures and mistakes, how could you do that differently?

Reduce the Noise

  • Take a break from your phone, even if it’s just for a minute a day.
  • Go for a walk/run and spend some time in nature, without your phone on.
  • Try meditation if you can.

Get Comfortable in Ambiguity

  • Life is grey, not black and white
  • Uncertainty and ambiguity is reliable in life, learn to embrace it

Talk to Others

  • Seek out devil’s advocate types, as they will challenge your beliefs
  • Interact with others for feedback on your ideas
  • Ideally someone that isn’t a troll, but they can be helpful too, just make sure your emotions are on fleek that day

XoXo 💋


Late Night Thoughts on Valuable Content

What is value? What is valuable content? To be honest many times I don’t know.

I love doing research, consuming knowledge on productivity hacks, learning different business ideas, and finding out what people with big businesses do in their daily routines. Because of this, the algorithms often throw me advice of all types.

On Instagram, I come across many social media experts with their copy-and-paste recipes for viral success and how to create valuable content. I am reminded often of being in school where your sole purpose was to regurgitate the proper information in the right order, in the right way, to show your worthiness as a rat race capitalist participant. Little worker bee complete with A+ and honor roll adherence.

The paradox arises when considering what is deemed acceptable content. Whether in a movie or a show, it becomes taboo and morally questionable if mirrored in adult content. The distinction in value between these two categories? I am uncertain.

What is the fundamental difference in the value between the two? One, the production of adult videos for consumer entertainment, relief, and comfort. The second, employing a business model centered on replicating a proven recipe for viral success.

When it comes to values, does what I value determine what my value worth is inherently? Does what I value, depending on the context, change what my value worth is? Would the same copy-and-paste recipe of viral success content be deemed low rent if the creator was a bit sexy?

Maybe because I was homeschooled for many years I missed some sort of societal handbook on this making sense.

When a word is thrown around as often as it is, such as valuable, to whom do you ask for a consensus on what it is? TOS’s are useless in ambiguity, and I have yet to come across a decent explanation from social media experts.

Educational content is, by default, valuable. Is that it? Copying and pasting a recipe of success is valuable despite the lack of original thought, and the longevity of failures with successes added to the formula.

Not being sexy, is that it? Well, many things are sexy to many people without being overtly obvious I suppose.

At what point did the importance of art for a human’s well-being get shoved aside?

Why is it entertainment, such as games and movies are the largest spending pie of households if it isn’t as valuable as educational videos.

I have nothing else to say. It is late and I have a new bedtime routine to implement.



Because I was curious, I asked Chat GPT to summarize my diary entry.

The author reflects on the ambiguous nature of “value” in content creation, questioning societal norms by drawing parallels between formulaic success advice on social media and the rote nature of education, expressing concern about the diminishing importance of art, and questioning the spending disparity between entertainment and educational content in households, concluding with a mention of a new bedtime routine.

AI Assistant Said:

The content raises thought-provoking questions about the concept of value in different contexts, from education to content creation. The author’s personal reflections and societal observations provide depth to the discussion. Consider breaking down complex ideas into smaller paragraphs for easier readability. Additionally, providing more concrete examples or anecdotes could further engage the reader and illustrate the points made. Keep up the insightful writing!

Chat GPT | Grade 5 Reading Level:

What is value? What is valuable content? Honestly, sometimes I don’t know.

I enjoy learning about productivity, business ideas, and the routines of successful people. Algorithms often give me various advice.

On Instagram, I see social media experts sharing recipes for success and creating valuable content. It reminds me of school where I had to memorize things to prove I was a good participant.

There’s a confusing part about what’s acceptable in movies versus adult content. I’m not sure of the difference in value between them.

Does what I value determine my worth? Does it change depending on the context? Would a recipe for success be less valuable if the creator was a bit “sexy”?

I was homeschooled, so I might have missed some rules.

Who decides what is valuable when the word is used a lot? TOS’s and social media experts don’t help.

Is educational content the only valuable thing? Is copying a successful recipe valuable even without original thought?

Not being “sexy,” whatever that means, shouldn’t matter, right?

When did people forget the importance of art for well-being? Why do we spend more on games and movies than educational videos?

I’m done talking. It’s late, and I have a new bedtime routine to start.

Chat GPT | College Graduate Reading Level:

What is value? What constitutes valuable content? Honestly, there are many times when I find myself uncertain.

I thoroughly enjoy conducting research, absorbing knowledge on productivity hacks, exploring diverse business ideas, and uncovering the daily routines of successful individuals. As a result, algorithms frequently provide me with a myriad of advice.

On Instagram, I encounter numerous social media experts sharing their copy-and-paste formulas for achieving viral success and creating valuable content. This often triggers memories of my school days, where the primary objective was regurgitating information in the correct order and manner to demonstrate worthiness as a participant in the rat race—a diligent worker bee aiming for A+ grades and honor roll recognition.

The paradox emerges when contemplating what qualifies as acceptable content. Whether in a movie or a show, content deemed morally acceptable may become taboo in adult-oriented material. The distinction in value between these two categories remains uncertain.

What fundamentally differentiates the value of producing adult content for consumer entertainment, relief, and comfort versus employing a business model centered on replicating a proven recipe for viral success?

Regarding values, does what I personally value inherently determine my worth? Does the significance of my values change depending on the context? Would the same copy-and-paste recipe for viral success be perceived as less reputable if the creator had a bit of a “sexy” image?

Perhaps due to my homeschooling background, I may have missed some societal handbook on navigating these complexities.

When a word like “valuable” is used frequently, where does one seek a consensus on its meaning? Terms of Service (TOS) agreements prove unhelpful in addressing ambiguity, and explanations from social media experts are lacking.

Is educational content inherently valuable by default? Does the act of copying and pasting a formula for success hold value despite the absence of original thought, coupled with a history of both failures and successes?

Is the omission of “sexy” elements the key? Well, attractiveness is subjective and can vary without being overtly obvious.

At what juncture did the significance of art for human well-being get marginalized?

Why do households allocate a larger share of their budget to entertainment, such as games and movies, if it isn’t deemed as valuable as educational videos?

I find myself with nothing more to express. It is late, and I must implement a new bedtime routine.