The Security Guard

The Lovers Diary Part III,

I had such a fondness for this one. When I was seventeen I worked in a clothing store. At the time, it was my entire world to be hired there. Living in a city by myself, freshly graduated and with all this freedom you get to know yourself a bit better.

In the mall there was a security guard, which is common. Even now when I seldom go into that mall, there seems to be the hottest, tall yummy guys. At this point I’m the older one, and I feel kind of bad even looking at them in that way. I have a fever for guys 6’0-6’4. I’m a short thing at 5’2 and they seem to enjoy my shortness as well. I’ll pick the things off the floor, if you pick the things off the top shelf for me 🙂 An old lady in a grocery store told me this once and I forever since have used it.

The security guard would frequent his rounds. Maybe a little…too frequently on his favourite store. Yes, that store was where I was. There was a second security guard I had a huge crush on that I never got to completion, but that’s okay. He wasn’t 6’0 anyways. This security guard later ended up applying for the police force and deleting a number of people that may trash his reputation as it is difficult to get into the force by who you are associated with. Yes, I was one of the girls deleted off his Facebook. Did I care? No. He still messaged me on my cell phone.

I don’t remember how long it took, but because I am shy, things can take a painfully long time to get me going for a hang out. He had a girlfriend, this monster of a girl who was one of the managers. I don’t condone now-a-days that he cheated on her. At the time, it was like a triumph over her and a nasty secret. He ended up dumping her later in years because her sister was an ex-drug addict and it didn’t look good for his police application.

We saw each other off and on for a few years with gaps in-between when I would be dating someone. I was loyal, he didn’t understand why. Sometimes I would visit him at the hospital he was later a security guard at, he would sneak out from his shift and I would park in the parking lot. Here we were 3 in the morning, in my car with awkward conversation. It was constantly awkward between us, a lot of sexual tension? Then he fucked me in my car. Or, I fucked him. I rode him, and I absolutely LOVE car fucking. I love kissing, there was a lot of kissing. He finished and I cleaned up, then he politely left and I drove him. Took my makeup off and fell asleep. I appreciate a thank you and I had a great time after EVERY encounter. He was perfect for this. Nor did he bother me when he wasn’t able to meet me and fuck me. I used to be 24/7 prepared and have things like tissues handy for any random encounter. Never leaving an excuse to not capitalize on an opportunity of sex. Extra panties in purse? Check. Mints? Check. Condoms? Check. Strict birth control schedule? Check, check, check.

Other times he would message me how his girlfriend was on vacation. The second she was gone he would message me and work his ass off to get me to say yes. Then he would massage me in my place, when my roommate at the time was away, and he would bang me on the floor, the counter, the couch. Anywhere, everywhere. I think we even banged on my roommate’s bed. Oops. His girlfriend was an all-natural looking girl. Me? The exact opposite. At the time I had severe red lips, black-blue hair, and a huge commitment to pin-up style. My lingerie was nice, and I would dress up and look extra good for whatever encounter. I never asked if he was banging multiple girls. Sometimes I felt like I was the only one he was cheating with. I probably would have been insulted if I wasn’t at the time. We saw each other off and on for a few years.

I haven’t checked on him in years. Last I did he had some mountaineering type photo with a pretty and natural looking girl. I hope he is well. I hope he got that police job.



The Biochemistry Student

The Lovers Diary Part V,

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We met from online dating, I appreciated his witty profile. Part Icelandic, you say! I vividly remember the first time we met. I could taste his nerves. I can see it in my mind like a movie. Him practicing the suave french introduction. Him fumbling.

He was first year into his Ph.D, studying trypanosomes (they cause the sleeping sickness). These are parasites. Fast forward a bit, we were fancy friends for several years. Well, the length of his Ph.D. and a bit after. He had traits I enjoyed. Biochemical student, yet owning a condo at 25. He had a pick lock kit and would break us into the hot tub room after hours with stolen ethanol from his lab. It smells like paint, tastes like air. You get drunk fast. None of this 40% vodka. Clearly, I trusted him.

He was eager to swoop me up as his girlfriend and introduce me to closed people. That is until student vacation ended. One thing with Ph.D students is nothing means anything if they are on break. Nothing. The fantasy is temporary.

I was broken hearted, bitter even. I just threw him into the fancy friend rotation. He was scandalous and I liked that. His place, so boring and clinical. No warmth, I remember he had tape up sandals for a long time. Practical. Unlike me. We never had anything deep to talk about.

He used to have the only pussy picture of me up until the last couple of months. I wonder if he kept it. We never did fuck in his lab, we stayed at his home or fucked in the hot tub. Drunk and in lust.

I moved to a bigger city. Once, I asked him to see me. He took the ferry and fucked me and left the same day. Eight hours of travel for sex. I admire that. Nothing was special about our sex. We connected in ways I didn’t figure out. I loved him going down on me.

He eventually finished school, got a great job at a top University. Told me he wished he had pursued Pharmacy. Ironically, I saw him only once in the bigger city we both moved to. Last I checked in on him a year ago he was proud for finally committing to getting a girlfriend. Then, he was 33? How the time flies…How long you can know someone. Yet, not at all.


The Roommate

The Lovers Diary Part II,

A number of my best friends used to number the guys I was fucking because there would be many at once. Too many stories. Too many cocks to keep track of. I love to be organized, I tried my best to have a reliable day for a guy and if i liked him, he would eventually outpace the rest and become my everyday sweetheart. I am a huge slut when single. Boredom maybe? I honestly don’t know. It is like an entire new person comes out, but she is me, and I am her.

When in a relationship, I am loyal.

Let’s look back to my very hot roommate many years ago…

I lived in a house when I was nineteen or twenty with two best friends and their friend. He was hot as hell. He could do backflips out of nowhere. I love a good show-off. I had to have him. My room was next to his. He had a girlfriend he constantly cheated on. My two best friends, who were together and are still married in this same house, I loved them and I love them still. We had threesome fun once or twice. A story for another post. It was a slutty household. I can’t remember if they banged him as well, I would have to ask.

I feel like when you are in your twenties, you don’t give a crap about some morals. Or maybe, for some people they never grow out of that immaturity or weak frequency of being. At the time, I was such a little shit. I wanted him, and I took him. He let me take him. I don’t remember how or when, but I would sneak into his room and just fuck him. Then finish up, after riding him, go back to my room and carry on with the day. His abs rock hard, such a sexy tan and a gorgeous cock. I remember feeling jealous of the girls he would cheat on his girlfriend with before I took him myself. After I took him, I stopped feeling jealous of the other girls. Ironically, his girlfriend ended up cheating on him and broke up with him. There was a great pleasure to hearing about that my two best friends and I reveled in.

I am the kind of girl who prefers to be riding on top majority of the time, unless being helped to stretch in missionary or it is just helpful for the guy to cum that way. Another best friend of mine at the time wanted to bang my roommate’s best friend, single, and they never did achieve that. She was a lovely, and timid virgin. The four of us would hang out all the time.

The household would drink often, do other extracurricular party favours, and play made-up improv games. I am surprisingly amazing at improv. We would dress the roommate up in my fake fur coat and make him walk down the hallway like a model. I remember when he fell. Isn’t there something sexy about a hot as hell person messing up? I can’t remember how often I fucked him. Probably twice. I have a strict rule to bang someone twice maximum, then I cannot get wet anymore for them. I am not sure why. Unless they are a long-term boyfriend or long-term lover with huge gaps in-between.

I remember riding my roommate, probably ten in the morning. I was in my room, I heard he was up, and I ran into his room, I shoved him to his bed and began kissing him. He slept on one of those crash pads from rock climbing. I’ve noticed over the years how many guys don’t have a bed frame. Just a mattress on the floor. His was the most unique in that it was not even a mattress or a futon. I rode him furiously and kissed him, he came and I flung off and ran into my bedroom. It was less than ten minutes. I always make sure to finish before I let the guy finish. However, I am determined to make sure he cums. I believe in being polite. I will take what I want, and throw you a bone in return. A delicious bone.

Overall, I am fairly shy, reserved, and blend into the background. Unless I see something or someone I want. Then it is full charge ahead. I always get what I want, and I will work for it.

I moved out of that house a couple months later when my best friend of the household became pregnant with her now first child. Today, she tells me she believes her darling daughter is a bit of a diva like me because I was around for part of the pregnancy. Little darling Sagittarius as I am.

After I moved out, I never spoke to the roommate I fucked again, but my two friends talk to him time to time.

