I wrote this about three years ago. On one of my arduous commutes of four hours one way, each week to go to work. The lonely trip, the buses, the skytrain, the dragging suitcases across gravel everywhere. I’ve gone through about ten suitcases in a couple of years. I wrote this about a girl who was my best friend and co-worker, when I realized how toxic our love and friendship was. We were addicted, like lovers. In all the rightfully wrong ways. Running to the phone desperately when the other would text message. Spending all day everyday together. Being apart was painful.
There is a punch to the gut even reading this poem after the years have passed, because the person you once were, is forever gone. Growing pains, hey?
Perhaps you can relate to a time in your life, or maybe right now. Can be a friend, a spouse, an ex. I was reminded of a favourite movie of a mine, Coraline, for some inspiration of this poem. I used to call her Pika, because she was cute to me, like pikachu. I was Kirby, pink, angry, and adorable.
Glutton of milk and honey
Her gaze sewed shut
Insatiable thirst leads her
Hatred and pain
She walks alone
Burdened and chained
White angels in her bloodstream
Her phantom friends
Comfort the spirit
Her true companions
Sliced with a smile
Pathway of narrow space
Fit for the queen of solitude
The mind, repulsed by gratitude
Leaks currency
Every step she takes
Sewing her gaze more shut
Every step she takes
She runs out of space
Every step we take together
She steps on me
Every body she steps on
Everybody does it,
She says.
I watch her continue to sew
Breaks a needle
Finds another
Breaks a needle
She breaks needles
I stop following
She keeps sewing
How far away is she now?
I shall never seek to find out
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